Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Relax by the Fire...It's Good For You

There’s nothing quite as relaxing as sitting  in front of a warm fire.  The glowing embers and the crackling sound of the burning wood fills us with a sense of peace and tranquility.  You might not know that there’s actually scientific evidence that our enjoyment may be linked to the way humans are wired.

Our enjoyment from “fire gazing” dates back to the early days of man when gathering around the fire for warmth first began.  According to a recent University of Alabama study led by anthropologist Christopher Lynn, experiencing the sight and sounds of a burning fire actually lowered the blood pressure of participants in the study. It seemed that the longer they watched and listened to the fire, the more relaxed they became.  

Lynn hypothesized that  social cohesion  and pro-social behavior resulted from working together to keep the fire burning for warmth and survival.  According to Lynn, the multi-sensory stimulation of the fire would have made a great focus of attention especially in the dark.  The study was published in the November 2014 issue of journal Evolutionary Psychology. Read it here

So, there you have it.  Sitting by the fire really is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day.  (As if we didn’t already know that!  And a glass of wine couldn’t hurt.)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE a good fire! Now there is proof that its good for you! Great article!
